Billing Policy

Billing Policy

You receive 30 days free on a new account. HammerZen products offer a free 30-day trial!

Once you cancel your subscription, you will not be charged again! However, you are still responsible for the charges already incurred for the current billing period. For instance, if your billing cycle is on the 18th of every month, and you cancel on the 24th, you still need to pay for the current month. After you have paid, you will not be charged again.
In order to treat everyone equally, HammerZen will make no exceptions; we will not prorate any portion of unused subscription services. All subscription fees are nonrefundable.

How do I cancel my account? You can cancel your subscription at any time! All you need to do is log in to your account and select "My Account" on the menu. On the "My Account" page, you only need to click "Cancel my Account".